
Reflections on the art and science of restoration, profiles of our projects, and discussions of issues in the profession.

August 22, 2024
A Class of Their Own: Charles B.J. Snyder Schools
It’s back-to-school time for New York City students. Students bound for one of the many school buildings designed by Charles B. J. Snyder may overlook the details that make them artifacts of a time when schools were “temples” of learning. SUPERSTRUCTURES has had the honor of working on various Snyder structures.
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August 15, 2024
It's Not Easy Being Green
A recent post by the Manhattan Contrarian argues for a pragmatic reexamination of New York’s mandates for a sustainable energy transition. It questions some of the aggressive provisions of NYC Local Law 97 aimed at “greening” NYC’s building stock—and it makes some valid points. SUPERSTRUCTURES is attempting to remain above the fray, subscribing to the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s position that “the most green building is one already built.”
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August 8, 2024
The (Restoration) Truth is Out There
"The truth is out there." Familiar from The X Files, this adage could be added to the inspiration that guides SUPERSTRUCTURES’ work. The currency of our practice is information, so we continually seek it in the investigation phase of each project.
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August 1, 2024
Architectural Empathy
“Why was I not made of stone like thee?” As Notre Dame’s famous gargoyles (and grotesques) are repaired—or recarved—and reinstalled as part of the landmark’s restoration, we’re reminded of this lament by Quasimodo (Charles Laughton) from the 1939 film, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
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July 30, 2024
SUPERSTRUCTURES Welcomes 2024 Summer Interns
Again this summer, we’re fortunate to have three new interns—and one “veteran”—joining our practice. These internships offer an introduction to our profession and to the art, science, and business of restoring New York City’s buildings and infrastructure.
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July 25, 2024
Restoration Update: Queens College’s Fitzgerald Gym
The Fitzgerald Gym is Queens College’s signature athletic facility built in 1958. SUPERSTRUCTURES has conducted multiple restoration projects to make the building safe and welcoming to students and staff. Having previously replaced the gym's roof, we're currently conducting a restoration of the building’s facade.
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July 18, 2024
Don't Misunderestimate
Our prior “strategery” post was based on a term concocted for an SNL skit spoofing Geroge W Bush’s debate performance in 2000. But “misunderestimate” was a word Bush actually spoke during the campaign. It’s also a useful concept in the practice of exterior restoration.
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July 11, 2024
Continuous Improvement
Our principal’s rescue dog, Shira is a “genius dog” and an exemplar of the practice of continuous improvement—a quality that’s inspiring to SUPERSTRUCTURES’ work. This is our second Shira post because she’s celebrating a milestone: identifying 200 different toys through her daily dedication to continuous improvement.
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June 27, 2024
Getting it Right on Paper
SUPERSTSRUCTURES’ work includes the restoration of masonry, stone, concrete, terra cotta, steel, and numerous other materials. But you could say (conceptually at least) that paper is primary to our practice. Why? Because successful restoration projects address all restoration issues systematically, on paper (or in pixels), before a contractor begins work on the building.
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June 20, 2024
What is Strategery?
Strategery isn't a word you’ll find in Webster’s,* but it could be a new term for our process of keeping a restoration project—and clients’ interests—ahead of the curve. Exterior restoration considerations go beyond analysis, design, and execution of remedial measures—from strategy to…strategery, if you will.
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SUPERSTRUCTURES Engineers + Architects

14 Wall Street, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10005
(212) 505 1133


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