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March 21, 2024
The Fine Line of Restoration

At SUPERSTRUCTURES, we continually refine our “line” to find the most time-effective, cost-effective, and elegant restoration solutions for each project.

What do we mean by “line?”

In auto racing, victory hinges on a formula of speed + safety. Completing the course in the shortest time without wiping out requires finding and following the “racing line,” the ideal route to negotiate turns swiftly but without incident.

Similar logic applies to building restoration—the secret to success is knowing when to accelerate a project, when to brake, and when to adjust course.

While restoration isn’t a race, it’s important to stick to a projected schedule to avoid costly delays and frustration for the client. At the same time, completing the required work properly and without mishap is an equally compelling goal.

The key is knowing what’s ahead. That’s why racers form a mental map of the track before they start. In a successful restoration project, a similar process plays out in the investigation phase, using a combination of research, visual observation (drones!), physical examination, non-destructive testing, and probes to learn as much as possible about a building’s construction, materials, and defects before designing optimal solutions.

There is an automotive equivalent of the Hippocratic oath of “first, do no harm.”  It goes “when in doubt, both feet out.” (It originated when cars were equipped with manual transmission and a clutch, operated by the left foot). During an unexpected skid, don’t make the situation worse; keep your feet off both the accelerator and the brake until you determine how to stabilize the vehicle (hopefully within seconds).

When unforeseen restoration challenges arise, it’s best to pause (briefly) and assess the situation until you’ve thoroughly researched the best way forward—a path that may not follow past convention.

At SUPERSTRUCTURES, we continually refine our “line” to find the most time-effective, cost-effective, and elegant restoration solutions for each project and each client.

SUPERSTRUCTURES Engineers + Architects

14 Wall Street, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10005
(212) 505 1133


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