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May 11, 2023
Hold the Phone

The scene: New York, circa 1993. The inception of a new restoration project:

Contractor: “Don’t worry. If you find anything amiss on this project, anything not done according to spec, you can call me any time. Here’s my cell phone number.”

SUPERSTRUCTURES: “Thanks, we’ll take the number, but don’t want to have to use it. You’re responsible for executing the project in accordance with the drawings and specs. We’ve done our best to make them clear and correct; it’s your responsibility to follow them and provide your own quality control…”

Narrator: Back then, cell phones weren’t as ubiquitous as they are today—or as “smart.” But even the utility of today’s smartphones isn’t a substitute for faithful execution of well-crafted construction documents.

Our CDs, recently described as the “Gold Standard” of the industry, are designed to minimize (if not eliminate) uncertainty in the field. This saves time, money, and complications for us, contractors, and clients.

We’ll always take a call but expect contractors to provide their own quality control as they execute our restoration designs (without answering their cell phones).

SUPERSTRUCTURES Engineers + Architects

14 Wall Street, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10005
(212) 505 1133


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